• Connect with an Independent Rep and pick your date

  • Invite your friends, office peeps, family or neighbors

  • Enjoy yourself. It’s a party after all!

  • Thatsa® Jr. Bowl

    12 cup/2.8 L bowl with seal.

FREE Host Gift Special with $625 in party sales*

Ensemble 21 pc Cuisiner et offrir

Cet ensemble comprend tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour préparer et offrir vos douceurs festives préférées à vos proches. Il comprend un Garde-ingrédients Décorum de 1,8 L/1 ¾ pte et de 1,2 L/5 tasses avec couvercles, huit Garde-biscuits de 1,8 L/7 ½ tasses et six petits Garde-ingrédients Décorum de 910 mL/3 ¾ tasses avec couvercles, avec cinq pelles.
8700   199 $    93,75 $ en crédit d’hôte    Limite de 3 


*Limit three TupperWave® Stack Cookers with a limit of five total Host Gift Specials with qualifying party sales and two friends who book and hold their parties within 21 days of your party, unless otherwise noted. Half-price products and Host Offers do not count toward the party sales used to calculate Host Credit. Host Credit and half-price products may be applied to full-price products unless otherwise noted. Shipping and tax apply to Thank You Gifts and all products purchased with Host Credit, Host Bonuses, and Half-Off Offers. Note: Actual results at any Tupperware® event may vary.